Why are so many properties being sold Off Market ?
Buying and selling homes without exposing them to the internet and advertising portals has long been the preferred method for many of the UK's larger properties but it is becoming more and more popular for both buyers and sellers across the whole of the Property Market now.
Having buying Agents deal with Selling Agents means that both sides of a transaction are equally represented and able to benefit from a professional's knowledge, experience and considered opnion. This means that property transactions become a more professional process. Cleaner, Faster & Fairer.
For the Vendors this also means that visitors to their home have been vetted, are aware of all the facts and are ready to go, which should mean that the quality of buyer is higher and the quantity lower. It also gives the vendors the comfort of deciding selling prices and moving schedules privately, without the glare of publicity.
For Buyers, in this particular market especially, it allows access to properties that are not widely available. It also means they have a property professional protecting their interests and giving them the benefit of years of experience in the property market, ensuring they make the best decisions with as much information as possible. Professional, Experienced Advice.